3rd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Protection
Eco-symbiotic system constructed and purified effect for wastewater treatment
Shui, Yonghong^1^2 ; Li, Qiaoqiao^1 ; Jing, Yumei^1
Chengdu Textile College, No. 186 Taishan South Street, Chengdu
611731, China^1
Key Lab of Process Analysis and Control of Sichuan Universities, Yibing, Sichuan
644000, China^2
关键词: Application prospect;    Biological organisms;    Buffering capacities;    High removal rates;    Natural conditions;    Pollutant discharges;    Three generations;    Urban sewage treatment;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/227/5/052051/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/227/5/052051
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

In order to reduce and deal with domestic sewage from the source, Eco-Symbiotic system (ESS) was built to investigate the biological symbiosis, output of biological organisms and purification of sewage under natural condition. The results showed that the ESS provided good growth for biological symbiosis. Three generation larvae were bred by three guppy couples, and water spinach were harvested 6 times with a total of 4304g in the test period. The ESS has strong buffering capacity, for the stable pH value (7.35-7.75), and the high removal rate of total phosphorus (TP, 89.2%) and total nitrogen (TN, 71.3%). The effluent can reach A level of Urban Sewage Treatment Plant Pollutant Discharge Standards (GB18918-2002). The ESS is a type of treatment to reduce sewage emissions from where the pollution started, improving the utilization of water resources, so it has broader application prospects.

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