International Jubilee Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative directions of development of the forestry complex"
Analysis of the preservation and growth of scots pine in the provenance trials of professor Vasily Ogievsky in educational-experimental forestry
Danilov, Yu I.^1 ; Ye Guzyuk, M.^1 ; Fetisova, A.A.^1 ; Nikolaeva, M.A.^1
Department of Soil Science and Forestry, Institute of Forest and Natural Resources Management, Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University, 5 Institutsky per. Street, Petersburg
194021, Russia^1
关键词: Average diameter;    Average height;    Geographical origins;    Provenance trial;    Scots pine;    Stemwoods;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/226/1/012054/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/226/1/012054
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Results of 100 years' tests of posterities of 16 climatip of a pine in the geographical forest cultures put in 1913 in Okhtensky forestry under the leadership of professor of Imperial Lesnoy of institute Vasili Ogiyevski are presented. Now the average safety of forest cultures is 6.5%. The lowest safety (3%) has noted posterity from the Perm province; the best safety (9-11%), along with Olonets (considered as local), posterities from the central regions of the country - the Oryol and Moscow provinces have. The most successful growth characterizes the southern and southwest posterities. Volynsk and Lublin (on average height - 30.4-30.5 m) and Lomza (on average diameter - 36.5 cm) are distinguished from them. The Olonets posterity, despite less successful growth in comparison with the southern and southwest races, doesn't concede to them on a reserve of stem wood (510 m3 ha against 275-507 m3 ha). It is established that the geographical origin of seeds is of great importance in the creation of forest cultures. Depending on remoteness of places of preparations of seeds in the direction from the North on the South parameters of growth of the created cultures are higher, but the safety of cultures gradually decreases. The preservation and growth of forest cultures are worse as far as the removal of the seeds from the area of it testing to the East.
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