World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium
Study Effect of Geological Parameters of the Slope Stability by Numerical Modelling, Case Limestone Career of Lafargem'sila, Algeria
Saadoun, Abderrazak^1^2 ; Hafsaoui, Abdallah^2^3 ; Khadri, Youcef^4 ; Fredj, Mohamed^1^2 ; Boukarm, Riadh^1 ; Nakache, Radouane^3
Mining and Geology Department, University of Bejaia, BP 6000, Algeria^1
Natural Resources and Planning Laboratory, University of Annaba, Algeria^2
Mining Department, University of Annaba, BP 12, Algeria^3
Mechanical Department, University of Annaba, BP 12, Algeria^4
关键词: Factor of safety;    Geological factors;    Geological parameters;    Limit equilibrium methods;    Mechanical characteristics;    PLAXIS softwares;    Presence of water;    Stability of slopes;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/221/1/012021/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/221/1/012021
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The stability of slopes in open pit mines is an issue of great concern because of the significant detrimental consequences instabilities can have. The stability of open pit is controlled by several geotechnical and geological factors, the most important cracks in the rocks as well as various and homogeneous of layers. In the case of study presence of a tensile crack is the most critical case in the calculation of factor of safety because of the possibility of the presence of waters in this crack that influence negatively on the stability of the open pit with traction crack, Then the mechanical characteristics of the crack filling material are more degraded than those of the marl layer between the layer of limestone open pit LAFARGE. With the differences both methods possess, sensitivity analyses and comparisons of result were done using Slide, Flac and Plaxis software for the analysis of sliding and stability of open pit. These evaluations have been performed by the limit equilibrium method through the SLIDE software, the finite element, finite difference methods through PLAXIS and FLAC respectively.

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