International Conference on the Sustainable Energy and Environmental Development
Multiscale Transit Oriented Development (TOD) for sustainable communities
Zarba, A.^1 ; Widawski, K.^1 ; Krzemiska, A.^1 ; Dzikowska, A.^2
University of Wroclaw, pl. Uniwersytecki 1, Wroclaw
50-137, Poland^1
General Tadeusz Kociuszko Military Academy of Land Forces, ul. P. Czajkowskiego 109, Wroclaw
50-001, Poland^2
关键词: Bus rapid transit systems;    Central business districts;    International networks;    International scale;    Metropolitan cities;    Population densities;    Sustainable communities;    Transit oriented development;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/214/1/012099/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1755-1315/214/1/012099
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Transit Oriented Development in districts and cities planning is dependent on multiple factors including: location, context, population density and redevelopment strategy. Transit Oriented Development Institute (US national planning organization to promote sustainable communities around rail stations) identifies ten principles which characterize the TOD communities and among them: stations and communications hubs located in sites with highest ridership potential, higher density mixed-used, walkable development in 1/2 mile radius from station, pedestrian oriented communication with retain and café streets, public squares in proximity of stations, reduce of parking space, multi-modal connections and stations which act as generators of communities redevelopment. The research examines the concept of TOD on chosen case studies, describes the pattern of urban form which best suites TOD districts and cities and evaluate current practices. The research examines the concept of TOD on chosen case studies, describes the pattern of urban form which best suites TOD districts and cities and evaluates current practices. The paper is based on analysis of TOD projects on different scales: from TOD introduced at international scale (e.g. the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in the selected Latin America large cities), at national scale in large metropolitan cities (e.g. in high density Central Business Districts of Dalian city in China) and at urban, urban fringe and neighborhood scale of Edmonton in Canada. The literature review study examines the patterns of transit-oriented development and highlights current planning practices. The research was based on identifying contemporary case studies, through the analysis of literature, reports, government and policy documents, conference proceedings and websites of international networks relevant to transit-oriented development.

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