International Conference on Manufacturing Technology, Materials and Chemical Engineering
Intelligent audio bird repeller for transmission line tower based on bird species variation
Li, Siyang^1 ; Li, Xingguang^1 ; Xing, Zhaoliang^3 ; Zhang, Zhuo^3 ; Wang, Yifan^1 ; Li, Ruixiao^1 ; Guo, Runting^1 ; Xie, Jiangjian^1^2
School of Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing
100083, China^1
Key Lab of National Forestry and Grassland Administration for Forestry Equipment and Automation, Beijing
100083, China^2
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Transmission Technology, Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute Co. Ltd., Beijing
102200, China^3
关键词: Avoidance behaviour;    Bird species;    Economic loss;    Light weight;    Occurrence probability;    Overhead transmission lines;    Power grid operations;    Transmission line towers;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/592/1/012142/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/592/1/012142
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Bird-caused damages for overhead transmission lines become one of the main fault types of the power grid, which will affect the safety and reliability of power grid operation and usually bring huge economic losses. The effectiveness of existing bird repeller would deteriorate obviously due to the habituation of birds. Bird bioacoustic vocalization can elicit the avoidance behaviour of conspecific, which can delay the habituation process of birds to bird repeller. An intelligent bird repeller based on bird species variations was proposed. Based on birds' appearance and vocalization respectively, two light weight networks were designed to identify the approaching bird species; according to the approaching bird species, the corresponding repellent modes were selected; the target was to improve the long-term effectiveness of the bird repeller, which is helpful to reduce the occurrence probability of bird-caused damages.
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