International Conference on Manufacturing Technology, Materials and Chemical Engineering
The Effect of Calcium Leaching on the Chloride Diffusivity of Hydrated Tricalcium Silicate Pastes
Tao, Guanghui^1 ; Liu, Lin^1 ; Qin, Gang^1 ; Xu, Xiaquan^1
College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing
210098, China^1
关键词: Ammonium nitrate;    Calcium leaching;    Cement based material;    Chloride diffusivity;    Diffusion properties;    Long term durability;    Steady state;    Tricalcium silicate;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/592/1/012035/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/592/1/012035
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Calcium leaching of cement-based materials induces detrimental effects on diffusion properties related to long-term durability. This paper investigates the effect of calcium leaching on the chloride diffusivity of hydrated tricalcium silicate (C3S) pastes. Different concentrations of ammonium nitrate solutions were used to accelerate the calcium leaching of C3S pastes. The degree of alternation of C3S pastes was characterized by Ca/Si. The chloride diffusivity of the leached C3S pastes was obtained by the steady-state electro-migration test. Results show that the chloride diffusivity of the leached C3S pastes increases with the increasing degree of alteration. Compared with the sound C3S pastes, the diffusivity of the leached C3S pastes is increased 1.8-3.6 times depending on the degree of alteration.
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