5th Annual International Workshop on Materials Science and Engineering
Design and Implementation of Flight Monitoring Simulation Training System
Pan, Gaofeng^1 ; Su, Yan^1 ; Liu, Sifang^1 ; Li, Pei^1
Marine Department of Satellite Tracing and Metering, Jiangyin
214431, China^1
关键词: Application environment;    Continuous assessment;    Design and implementations;    Information interaction;    Network communications;    Recurring maintenance;    Serial servers;    Simulation training systems;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/585/1/012111/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/585/1/012111
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The calibration flight is an important technical means to verify the performance and accuracy of the TT&C equipment. In the flying, the equipment is power-on/power-off and the transponder mode is switched according to the needs. The transponder is a borrower. In the case of giving-back, it is especially important to recurring maintenance for the attachment. Through the system design, the original monitoring standby machine, the analog power supply chassis and the analogue controllers state of the transponder state, and three Bosch card and one serial server are used to fully simulate the on-board application environment. The industrial tablet application software adopts C# design to realize effective information interaction with the monitoring standby machine through serial port and network communication. The characteristics of the system are the continuous assessment of the power-on maintenance of spare parts, personnel training and actual system software, which is of great significance to the actual work.

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