International Conference Building Materials, Products and Technologies
Application of the FRP Rebar in Constructions for Reduction of Thermal Bridges _ Compressed elements
Prokes, J.^1 ; Cechmanek, R.^2 ; Girgle, F.^3 ; Zlamal, M.^3 ; Stepanek, P.^3
Prefa Kompozity A.s., Kulkova 4231/10, Brno, Czech Republic^1
Research Institute for Building Materials, Hnvkovského 30/65, Brno
61700, Czech Republic^2
Brno University of Technology, Vevei 331/95, Brno
60200, Czech Republic^3
关键词: Compression reinforcement;    Critical temperatures;    Elevated temperature;    FRP rebars;    Short fibre;    Thermal bridge;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/583/1/012015/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/583/1/012015
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The paper describes usage of a composite rebar in applications with reduction of thermal bridges, with emphasis on compression reinforcement. The paper focuses on several areas: The mechanical tests, resulting mechanical properties and temperature behaviour of compressed reinforcement. Compression elements with short fibres of length 6 and 50 mm or long fibres and with or without a rebar were tested. The comparison between materials and results of behaviour of a simple compressed rebar at elevated temperatures is shown. The critical temperature of usage FRP material as a compression element was found.

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