International conference on Materials Engineering and characterization
A Study on Key Factors Influencing Bid Decision Model for Construction Projects
Kiran Kumar, J.^1 ; Raj, Vimal^1
Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai, India^1
关键词: Bidding;    Construction projects;    Credibility;    Decision;    Decision making process;    Heuristic;    Nonparametric approaches;    Questionnaire surveys;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/574/1/012004/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/574/1/012004
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Competitive bidding serves as a platform for public/private contractors to execute the works specified by the client. Deciding to bid or not to bid for that job proves to be a major hindrance between the bidder and the work. Smart contractors tend to bid for a work, based on facts studied through a pre-bid survey rather being heuristic in taking their decisions. This paper identifies the potential factors influencing the contractors' bid decisions for different construction projects through a structured questionnaire survey. The factors were ranked based on their importance and utilized as a base for developing a bid decision model using DEA, a non-parametric approach. These factors govern the framework of bid decision model being developed. DEA creates a favorability score from the top and least ranked factors for each and every bid opportunity with a cut-off value as a reference. The public and private bidders utilize the cut-off value as a pivotal point of making bid decisions. This study serves as a tool for decision making process whenever a bid opportunity is created. This paper also recommends the contractors to utilize the bid model, to not only execute the work successfully, but also to improve the self-credibility and effectiveness among the global market.
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