International Conference on Innovative Research - ICIR EUROINVENT 2019
Phases and compounds composition analyze of ZnMgCa biodegradable alloy
Popescu, S. Dobrita^1 ; Stanciu, S.^1 ; Cimpoeu, R.^1 ; Istrate, B.^2 ; Stirbu, I.^3 ; Ionita, I.^1 ; Prisecariu, B.A.^4
Technical University gheorghe Asachi from Iasi, Materials Science and Engineering Faculty, street Prof.dr.doc. D. Mangeron nr. 41, Iasi
700050, Romania^1
Technical University gheorghe Asachi from Iasi, Mechanical Faculty, street Prof.dr.doc. D. Mangeron nr. 43, Iasi
700050, Romania^2
Technical University gheorghe Asachi from Iasi, street Prof.dr.doc. D. Mangeron number 43, Iasi
700050, Romania^3
Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Universitatii Street number 16, Iasi
700115, Romania^4
关键词: Biodegra-dable materials;    Biodegradable alloys;    Fe-based alloys;    High purity;    Induction furnace;    Metallic material;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/572/1/012019/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/572/1/012019
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Besides biocompatible materials, a new class of metallic materials with medical applications dedicated to specific traumas is that of biodegradable materials. Zinc-based materials are mentioned as the 'Calcium of the XXI century'. Zn has been considered as one of the newest promising biodegradable metallic metals together with Mg-based and Fe-based alloys. A new experimental composition of ZnMgCa alloy was obtained using an induction furnace from high purity zinc, magnesium and calcium materials. The material chemical compounds and phases were determined using EDS Bruker detector and XRD X'Pert equipment in molded state of the alloy. Microstructure of the alloy was determined using scanning electron microscopy and the distribution of constituents using VegaTescan software.

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