2nd International Scientific Conference (Pure Sciences, Brilliant Creativity and Renewed Building)
Study the photo degradation and biodegradation of p-cresol novolac (polyepoxy) in presence and absence of di-benzoylperoxide
Mageed, Zainab N.^1 ; Mohammed, Hamid H.^2 ; Zayer, Thana M.^3 ; Noori, Abdulkadir M.^1 ; Farhan, Safanah A.^1 ; Dadoosh, Rasha M.^1
Al-Mustansiriya University, College of Science, Unit of Research Polymer, Baghdad, Iraq^1
Al-Mustansiriya University, College of Science, Department of Chemistry, Baghdad, Iraq^2
Al-Mustansiriya University, College of Science, Department of Biology, Baghdad, Iraq^3
关键词: Absorbances;    Accelerated weathering;    Epoxy films;    Experimental conditions;    Light intensity;    Novolac;    P-cresol;    Photodegradation rate;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/571/1/012088/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/571/1/012088
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The induced photo degradation of poly epoxy films in air was investigated in the presence and absence of di-benzoylperoxide (BPO)(photosensitizer) by accelerated weathering tester. The addition (0.1 wt%) of BPO to poly epoxy films (25μm in thickness)increases the photo degradation of the poly epoxy films. The photodegradation rate was followed by increase in carbonyl absorbance of polymers using I.R. spectra. According to the spectra results, the induced photo degradation mechanisms of poly epoxy films were suggested under the experimental conditions employedusing Uv-radiation at λ = 313 nm light intensity 3.49∗10-5einsteins.dm-3.S-1 at temperature 45°C. The biodegradability of photodegradable polymers has been also studied using different bacteria. This type of bacteria is known to be capable of utilizing the degraded polymers.
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Study the photo degradation and biodegradation of p-cresol novolac (polyepoxy) in presence and absence of di-benzoylperoxide 498KB PDF download
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