International Scientific-Technical Conference on Innovative Engineering Technologies, Equipment and Materials 2018
Investigation of mechanical properties of fiber-cement board reinforced with cellulosic fibers
Lukmanova, L.V.^1 ; Mukhametrakhimov, R. Kh^1 ; Gilmanshin, I.R.^2^3
Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Zelenaya str. 1, Kazan, 420043, Russia^1
Kazan Federal University, Kremlevskaya str. 18, Kazan
420008, Russia^2
Kazan National Research Technical University Named after A N Tupolev, Kazan, Russia^3
关键词: Cellulosic fibers;    Economic parameters;    Experimental research;    Fiber cement boards;    Fibrous composite material;    Optimal composition;    Properties of fiber;    Technical properties;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/570/1/012113/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/570/1/012113
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The article presents experimental research on the development of the optimal composition of cement-fibrous composite material for the manufacture of autoclaved fiber-cement boards with high physical, mechanical and economic parameters. The effect of the cement-sand ratio of the matrix, the specific surface area of the sand and the cellulosic fibers content on the physical and technical properties of the material is shown. It is established that the optimum cement-sand ratio of the matrix associated with a specific surface area of quartz sand 310 m2/kg is 1:2. The optimal content of cellulosic fibers according to the criterion of increasing the strength is 5-7.5%.
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