International Scientific-Technical Conference on Innovative Engineering Technologies, Equipment and Materials 2018
Modified gypsum-cement-pozzolanic composites reinforced with polypropylene fibers
Mukhametrakhimov, R Kh^1 ; Galautdinov, A.R.^1 ; Gilmanshin, I.R.^2^3
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education, Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Zelenaya Street, 1, Kazan
420043, Russia^1
Kazan Federal University, Kazan
420008, Russia^2
Kazan National Research Technical University Named after A N Tupolev, Kazan, Russia^3
关键词: Heterogeneous structures;    High-efficiency;    Industrial parks;    Physicomechanical properties;    Polyfunctional;    Polypropylene fiber;    Processing center;    Water requirements;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/570/1/012068/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/570/1/012068
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The paper shows the effectiveness of the use of a polyfunctional complex modifier for a gypsum-cement-pozzolanic binder (GCPB), which allows reducing the water requirement of the mixture by 35%, increasing the flexural strength of gypsum-cement-pozzolanic composites (GPPC) by 28%, and 25% for compression. The results of experimental studies of the effect of polypropylene fibers on the basic physicomechanical properties of a central processing center are presented. The performed studies have shown high efficiency of polypropylene fibers of the type VSM-II-6 for dispersed reinforcement of the central industrial park. The maximum increases in the values of the flexural strength (by 41.2%) and compression (by 20%) are achieved with their volume content in the amount of 1%. It should be noted that the introduction of the studied fibers with a length of more than 6 mm did not lead to the expected result, which is due to the formation of a heterogeneous structure of the GPPC.
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