7th Annual International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering
A Case Study Based on Power Data for Solar and Wind Energy Assessment
Jiang, Qiang^1 ; Qing, Haiyin^1 ; Li, Min^1
School of Physics and Electric Engineering, University of Leshan Normal, 778 Bin he road, Leshan, China^1
关键词: Investment performance;    Long term planning;    Power data;    Power grids;    Solar and wind energies;    Solar and winds;    Solar generation;    Use of renewable energies;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/562/1/012093/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/562/1/012093
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The solar and wind energy are the great sources to our world because they are clear and unexhausted. In recent decades so many generation farms had been constructed rapidly all over the world. How to evaluate the investment performance and make a better planning for a long term have becoming an important issue. In this paper we discuss and analysis these questions based on actual data take Germany as a case. We discuss the solar and wind energy utilization situation, the generating electricity ratio, and investigate the rules of solar and wind generation, address an approach to adjust solar generations and wind to take advantage of them. Present a scenario of mid-long term planning in power grid, in order to make use of renewable energy, especially solar and wind sources to satisfy the demand of energy for our society development rapidly.

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