2018 6th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Civil Engineering
Analysis of the causes of tube blocking in Jingbian gas field
Ye, Congdan^1 ; Gou, Shunchao^2 ; Feng, Yuhan^2 ; Niu, Buneng^2 ; Ma, Yun^3^4
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xi'An Shiyou University, Xi'an, China^1
Production Logging Center, China Petroleum Logging Company Limited, Xi'an, China^2
College of Petroleum Engineering, Shaanxi Province Key Laboratory of Advanced Stimulation Technology for Oil and Gas Reservoirs, Xi'An Shiyou University, Xi'an, China^3
Eng. Res. Ctr. of Devmt. and Mgmt. for Low to Ultra-Low Permeability Oil and Gas Reservoirs in W. China, Ministry of Education, Xi'an, China^4
关键词: Carbonate scaling;    Corrosion effects;    Corrosion products;    Leaching solution;    Natural-gas production;    Volumetric methods;    Wellbore pressure;    X ray fluorescence;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/542/1/012072/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/542/1/012072
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
A large number of blockage appeared in gas wells and pipeline appeared, which caused plugging, corrosion and the increasing of wellbore pressure difference, and seriously affect the normal production of gas well of problems. In this paper, the water quality over the years and natural gas production of the JB1# well in the Jingbian gas field were analyzed, also include the composition of blockage with the chemical volumetric method (CVM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and x-ray fluorescence (XFS) method. Meanwhile, the blockage powder was leached in simulated acid work solution, and then the leaching solution was analyzed with CVM. The experimental results show that the produced water in the JB1# well has unstable water quality, high salinity, high Cl- content, and low pH value, high H2S and CO2 content in natural gas, so easy to produce corrosion and carbonate scaling. The main component of the blockage is a mixture of corrosion product Fe2O3 and a small amount of CaCO3 scale. The corrosion product Fe2O3 is mainly generated by the mixture of dissolved oxygen, H2S, CO2 and other corrosion effects. The main cause of blockage in the JB1# well is the deposition of Fe2O3 and CaCO3 scales caused by the corrosive effects of dissolved oxygen, H2S and CO2.
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