International Workshop "Advanced Technologies in Material Science, Mechanical and Automation Engineering – MIP: Engineering – 2019"
Study of the structure and properties of welded joints of micro-alloyed reinforcing steels made in the atmosphere of carbon monoxide
Ivanaysky, E.A.^1 ; Ishkov, A.V.^2 ; Ivanaysky, V.V.^2 ; Ivanaysky, A.A.^1
Altai State Technical University, Lenina avenue, 46, Barnaul
656038, Russia^1
Altai State Agricultural University, Prospekt Krasnoarmeyskiy, 98, Barnaul
656049, Russia^2
关键词: Carbon equivalent;    Mechanized welding;    Multilayer welding;    Reducing atmosphere;    Regulatory documents;    Reinforced steel;    Reinforcing steels;    Structure and properties;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/537/2/022036/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/537/2/022036
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The structure and properties of welded joints of reinforced steel micro-alloyed with vanadium were investigated. The reasons for the formation of cold cracks are given. It has been established that welding at negative ambient temperature in the near-weld zone of rebar class A500C forms quenching structures with a hardness of up to 470 HV. Preheating of the rods by gas welding leads to a decrease in the temporary tensile strength. The technology of mechanized welding in carbon monoxide is proposed. It has been established that in multilayer welding in a reducing atmosphere, the carbon equivalent value of the weld metal increases. The hardness of the heat-affected zone decreases to 200 260 HV. Mechanical properties of welded joints made in carbon monoxide environment comply with the requirements of regulatory documents.

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