8th Annual International Conference 2018 on Science and Engineering
The effect of Soil-structure interaction on Multi-Storey building resonance and Dynamic Shear modulus for Pidie Jaya Aceh earthquake
Munirwansyah, M.^1 ; Munirwan, R.P.^1 ; Sungkar, M.^1 ; Melinda, Z.^1
Department of Civil Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia^1
关键词: Disaster mitigation;    Dynamic parameters;    Dynamic shear modulus;    Earthquake process;    Multistorey buildings;    Simple modeling;    Structural failure;    Structural vibrations;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/523/1/012038/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/523/1/012038
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Earthquake resistance building design must be considered as a design standard in the future for Pidie Jaya-Aceh government as 7th December in 2016 earthquake in Pidie Jaya Aceh which destroyed many major and minor infrastructures. Therefore, soil dynamic parameters must be obtained for design purposes in Pidie Jaya reconstruction and rehabilitation in the future. To avoid the structural failure during the earthquake process, the value of structural vibration frequency (f) should not similar to the value of natural soil vibration frequency (fn). This article aims to determine the soil dynamic parameter of soil layers for disaster mitigation purposes. Several existing buildings namely Dayah Mudi Samalanga, Baitul Muttaqin Mosque, Cubo Bridge, Regent Office Building, Local Lawyer Office and around Pidie Jaya fault were chosen for soil sampling locations. Dynamic parameter of Gmax and Vs are the result of this research. Moreover, the fn value was calculated by Kramer method. Comparison of fn values was performed by simple modeling off values based on SNI 1726-2012. The highest value of the void ratio (e) was obtained in Baitul Muttaqin Mosque soil sample which is 1.84. The highest fn value is at Pidie Jaya fault, which is 2.01 Hz and the lowest fn value is at Baitul Muttaqin Mosque, Pidie Jaya, which is 1.301 Hz.

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