2nd International Conference on Sustainable Engineering Techniques
Study the Effect of Casting Method on the Mechanical Properties of ZA-27 Alloy Formed by Equal Channel Angular Extrusion
Ahmed, Reham Raad^1 ; Saleh, Ali Hassan^2 ; Jadee, Khudhaye J.^1
Technical Eng. College-Baghdad, Middle Tech. University, Iraq^1
Institute of Technology-Baghdad, Middle Tech. University, Iraq^2
关键词: Casting method;    Casting techniques;    Circular cross-sections;    Compression strength;    Die angle;    Equal channel angular extrusion;    Higher loads;    Test specimens;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/518/3/032058/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/518/3/032058
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
In this study the effect of casting technique or method of ZA-27 alloy and die angle of equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) process on the mechanical properties of alloy after forming was studied. Two casting methods, New Rheocast (NRC) and Gravity Die Cast (GDC) were employed to produce the alloy. Four dies of ECAE with different angles (90°, 105°, 120° and 135°) were used in this process at (100° C). Test specimen was manufactured with circular cross section (12mm in diameter and 85mm in length). The results show that the (NRC) method and 90° angle of die in (ECAE) gave the best of compression strength and hardness due to refinement of microstructure more than other angles.The load in (ECAE) process strongly depends on angle of die and specimen product by (NRC) required higher load.
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