International Scientific and Technical Youth Conference "Perspective Materials of Constructional and Medical Purpose"
Use of nanostructured materials for the sorption of heavy metals ions
Gabdullin, M.T.^1^2 ; Khamitova, K.K.^1 ; Ismailov, D.V.^1 ; Sultangazina, M.N.^1 ; Kerimbekov, D.S.^1 ; Yegemova, S.S.^3 ; Chernoshtan, A.^3 ; Schur, D.V.^4
National Nanotechnology Laboratory, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan^1
Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan^2
Research Centre of Ecology and Environment of Central Asia, Almaty, Kazakhstan^3
IPM Frantsevich, Kiev, Ukraine^4
关键词: Carbon material;    Carbon nano-materials;    Chemical technologies;    Eco-toxicology;    Environmental objects;    Practical importance;    Soil extracts;    Sorption properties;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/511/1/012044/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/511/1/012044
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

Recently, carbon materials containing fullerenes have been used as sorbents. The purpose of the study was to explore and compare the sorption properties with respect to heavy metal ions of fullerene-containing materials. This will allow to obtain in the most effective way the fullerene-containing sorbents for use in processes of cleaning of environmental objects. Several types of sorbents obtained from shungite and graphite were selected for our research. For a month, the soil had been contaminated with the lead and zinc salts in a concentration exceeding the maximum permissible value of 30 times. Sorbents had been then added in a ratio of 1: 5. A week later, the soil extracts were analyzed for salt and pH content. The results indicated that fullerene-containing sorbents bind a significant part of pollutants and reduce the toxicity of the soil. Nevertheless, complete purification from metals was not observed. The obtained results are the basis for the further studying of sorption properties of carbon nanomaterials and are of practical importance in the field of nanotechnology, ecology, ecotoxicology, chemical technology of inorganic substances and others.

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