International Scientific Conference "Digital Transformation on Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Service"
Digital platform for communication in the field of grant support of scientific, technical and innovation activities
Ilina, Irina^1 ; Zharova, Elena^1 ; Zolotarev, Dmitry^1
Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology, Zemlyanoy Val St., 50A, Moscow
105064, Russia^1
关键词: Aggregated information;    Commercial potential;    Digital economy;    Digital platforms;    Information platform;    Innovation activity;    Scientific foundations;    Transactional costs;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/497/1/012074/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/497/1/012074
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The information platforms, which let make decisions in the scientific sphere, play an important role in the development of digital economy of a state. In Russia a range of such platforms are in place, which have been created under governmental support and they let make record of and monitor the intellectual property (https://rosrid.ru/, http://sciencemon.ru/ and other). The scientific foundations have information platforms. However, fragmentation of grant informational sources contributes to the increased transactional costs. A digital platform was created in Russia to make information about grants available. It also lets state, scientific foundations, and potential applicants communicate with each other. This site-navigator provides access to actual aggregated information of different scientific foundations. It also lets find the best foundation for a potential applicant's needs. We suggest that the site-navigator needs some new functions, which would let a user detect leading countries in the support of R&D in the defined technological areas and most attractive foreign jurisdictions having strong commercial potential in a given technological area. Hence, suggested transformation of this digital platform will help target researchers get competitive results, using inter alia foreign support, and patenting in the countries with fast-growing knowledge-intensive markets.

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