1st International Scientific Practical Conference "Breakthrough Technologies and Communications in Industry"
Development of entrepreneurial skills in the innovation sector
Korobov, S.A.^1 ; Moseyko, V.O.^1 ; Epinina, V.S.^1 ; Marusinina, E.Y.^1 ; Korobova, S.I.^1
Volgograd State University, Universitetskiy av. 100, Volgograd
400062, Russia^1
关键词: Business environments;    Economic activities;    Enterpreneurial skills;    Entrepreneurial skills;    New approaches;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/483/1/012021/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/483/1/012021
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The innovation sphere could not flourish without the entrepreneurial skills development of people, who participate in the production relations in this sphere. To possess skills in the innovation spere means to provide a new approach to the work with additional solutions to a challenge your enterprise currently faces. The paper examines the particularities of enterpreneurial skills' shaping as the main condition for development of the innovation sphere. The following entrepreneurial skills are considered: the ability of a person to carry out economic activities, which is effected through the economic gene of production; the ability of a person to entrepreneurial arbitration; a person's ability to undertake actions, defined as entrepreneurial spirit; the ability of a person to integrate with the internal and external business environment.
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