4th International Conference on Safety Problems of Civil Engineering Critical Infrastructures
Principles of Renovation the Territory of Residential Buildings Dating from 1960s to 1970s: Coping with Modern Housing Crisis
Ryzhova, O.^1 ; Khrichenkov, A.^1
Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ural Federal University, Mira str. 19, Yekaterinburg
620002, Russia^1
关键词: Building renovation;    Comparative analysis;    European Countries;    New constructions;    Positive experiences;    Residential building;    Residential construction;    Statistical data analysis;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/481/1/012024/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/481/1/012024
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
Large-panel residential construction was conducted in many countries worldwide; its peak was in 1960-1980s. By 2020, the majority of residential buildings built in the period from 1950 to 1970 will be more than 50 years old and their lifetime will be exhausted. In Russia the total living space of the buildings built during the considered period makes about 10% of all housing stock in the country. Housing that was built in the considered period, has become outdated morally and physically, it generates a housing crisis. In the majority of the European countries, residential territory renovation has already begun. In most cases, projects did not provide full demolition of residential buildings. In Russia, the only project that began to be realized is the renovation started in 2017 in Moscow. During the project full demolition of the existing building and new construction is provided. In other cities of the country realization of similar strategy is impossible and inexpedient for several reasons (lack of federal financing, the disinterest of investors). The purpose of the study is research of positive experience in coping with a housing crisis in Germany, France, Hungary and in other European countries. Methods: systematization, typology, comparative analysis, statistical data analysis. A result of a research: housing estate renovation principles are formulated; their classification and methods of realization are offered. These principles can be applied in the building renovation projects without full demolition and landscape modification and also in the complex sustainable development of the built-up territories.
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