3rd World Multidisciplinary Civil Engineering, Architecture, Urban Planning Symposium
Preservation and Valorisation of Public Historical Areas in Gaobu Village, Dong Minority of Hunan, China
Wang, Shiruo^1 ; Augelli, Francesco^1 ; Cai, Ling^2 ; Ferretto, Peter W.^3
Polytechnic University of Milan-DAStU, Via Bonardi, 3, Milano
20133, Italy^1
Guangzhou University, No. 230 Wai Huan Xi Road, Panyu, Guangzhou, China^2
Chinese University of Hong Kong, AIT Building, Hong Kong^3
关键词: Architectural heritage;    Chinese universities;    Co-operative systems;    Cultural heritages;    Hunan province , China;    Social and economic systems;    South China University of Technology;    Sustainable strategies;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/471/8/082049/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/471/8/082049
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The Dong minority communities are today, in a similar condition of many other Chinese rural settlements, deeply affected by the phenomenon of "Village Hollowing" and "Urbanization" over the last 20 years. This unprecedented exodus of rural populations to expanding urban areas, has resulted in almost vacant villages inhabited by struggling communities of mostly elderly people and children, the social and economic system has changed dramatically among Dong communities. Using the Dong Minority village of Gaobu, located along the Pingtan River in Hunan Province, China, as a pilot project, is a fully operating agricultural community with a population of over 2500 inhabitants. It has many typical architectural heritages mainly composed by 6 Drum-Towers, 2 Wind-Rain Bridges as well as other Han nationality's buildings, a reflection of its rich cultural heritage and importance in the region. In July, 2017, a united summer workshop held in Gaobu village, was assembled and organized by school of architecture, Guangzhou University, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hunan University, South China University of Technology and Polytechnic University of Milan. 56 master students, PhD students and Professors attended the workshop. The aim of the workshop is to develop an alternative and sustainable strategy to regenerate and preserve Dong Minority villages in China via architectural prototype and planning proposal, that respond to contemporary rural developments and foster minimum impact to the existing heritage of the village. Finally, a new collective and co-operative system, incorporating multiple function was offered. Meanwhile, an adaptive planning strategy that based on the needs of the community was proposed. Concentrating on the special link between dynamic heritage and villagers will provide a better rural living for the Dong community in the future.

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