3rd International Conference on Knowledge Representation in Medicine
Leveraging SNOMED CT with a General Purpose Terminology Server
R. Weida ; PhD ; J. Bowie ; ScD ; R. McClure ; MD ; D. Sperzel ; MD
Others  :  http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-410/Paper04.pdf
PID  :  25184
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】
General purpose terminology server software facilitates coordinated use of multiple standard medical terminologies for diverse healthcare applications. SNOMED CT is an important clinical reference terminology, whose size and scope make advanced terminology server capabilities particularly useful. Moreover, capabilities tied to SNOMED CT’s special features and requirements can result in substantial further benefits. Enhancements to a general purpose terminology server have been developed to facilitate the tailored creation, validation, organization, deployment, distribution, submission and maintenance of (postcoordinated) extensions to SNOMED CT. [First Paragraph]
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