1st International Workshop on Transforming and Weaving Ontologies in Model Driven Engineering
Using an Ontology to Suggest Software Design Patterns Integration
Dania Harb ; Cédric Bouhours ; Hervé Leblanc
Others  :  http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-395/paper01.pdf
PID  :  25691
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】

To give a consistent and more valuable feature on models, we propose that model-driven processes should be able to reuse the expert knowledge generally expressed in terms of patterns. In order to formalize anduse them, some design pattern ontologies have been developed. To share them on the Web they have been implemented using the OWL language. They can be easily interrogated with dedicated query languages. Our work has consisted in extending a design pattern intent ontology with “alternative model” and “strong points” concepts, which partially refers “anti-patterns”. We validate this pproach in tooling a step of a design review activity, we have proposed. Thisactivity, directed by design patterns, is adapted to a model driven process, for the need to improve object-oriented architecture quality.

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