3rd Semantic Wiki Workshop
Flyspeck in a Semantic Wiki: Collaborating on a Large Scale Formalization of the Kepler Conjecture
Christoph Lange ; Sean McLaughlin ; Florian Rabe
Others  :  http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-360/paper-21.pdf
PID  :  48546
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】

Semantic wikis have been successfully applied to many problems in knowledge management and collaborative authoring. They are particularly appropriate for scientific and mathematical collaboration. In previous work we described an ontology for mathematical knowledge based on the semantic markup language OMDoc and a semantic wiki using both. We are now evaluating these technologies in concrete application scenarios. In this paper we evaluate the applicability of our infrastructure to mathematical knowledge management by focusing on the Flyspeck project, a formalization of Thomas Hales' proof of the Kepler Conjecture. After describing the Flyspeck project and its requirements in detail, we evaluate the applicability of two wiki prototypes to Flyspeck, one based on Semantic MediaWiki and another on our mathematics-specific semantic wiki SWiM.

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