ICLP'06 Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming in the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services
Policy-based reasoning for smart web service interaction!
Marco Alberti1 ; Federico Chesani2 ; Marco Gavanelli1 ; Evelina Lamma1 ; Paola Mello2 ; Marco Montali2 ; Paolo Torroni2 ; 2 DEIS ; Universita` di Bologna
Others  :  http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-196/alpsws2006-paper7.pdf
PID  :  3915
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】

We present a vision of smart, goal-oriented web services thatreason about other services’ policies and evaluate the possibility of fu- ture interactions. To achieve our vision, we propose a proof theoretic approach. We assume web services whose interface behaviour is speci- fied in terms of reactive rules. Such rules can be made public, in order for other web services to answer the following question: “is it possible to inter-operate with a given web service and achieve a given goal?” In this article we focus on the underlying reasoning process, and we pro- pose a declarative and operational abductive logic programming-based

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