Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition 2011.
m3 – A Behavioral Similarity Metric for Business Processes
Matthias Kunze ; Matthias Weidlich ; Mathias Weske
Others  :  http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-705/paper12.pdf
PID  :  41862
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】

With the increasing uptake of business process management, companies maintain large scale process repositories consisting of hundreds or thousands of process models. So far, discovery within these repositories is limited to free text search or folder navigation. In a separate stream of research, similarity measures were introduced to get a better understanding of the relationships between process models. Unfortunately, calculating such similarity is complex, so that these techniques cannot be used in large process model repositories, where they would be most valuable.To overcome this issue, we introduce the m3-metric, which is based on behavioral profiles that provide an abstraction on the detailed behavior of processes. This metric can be computed efficiently and enables tree based similarity search within large process model repositories.

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