Technology-Enhanced Diagrams Research
Design of a Virtual Reality System for the Study of Diagram Use in Organic Chemistry
Andrew T. Stull, Trevor J. Barrett, & Mary Hegarty
Others  :  http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-887/Stulletal.pdf
PID  :  27642
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】

Organic chemists must be adept at relating different 2D diagrammat-ic representations of molecules while also understanding their 3D structure. Concrete (3D) models can aid students in developing these aspects of represen-tational competence but a growing trend is to incorporate virtual 3D models in-to instruction. In this paper, we describe the design of a virtual reality system to investigate how students use virtual models, for learning about different struc-tural diagrams common in organic chemistry. We follow with preliminary re-sults of a study comparing the relative effectiveness of virtual versus concrete models. Participants performed tasks using either virtual or concrete models to match or to complete three different types of molecular diagrams. The prelimi-nary results suggest a benefit of using virtual models over concrete models.

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