First, a brief word about the Pack Foundation. Charles Lathrop Pack was a lumberman who believed in the cause of conservation of our natural resources. He founded the Charles Lathrop Pack Forestry Foundation in the early ‘20’s. Since that time the Foundation has contributed extensively in one way or another in its chosen field. In 1956, management of the Foundation became the responsibility of Mr. Arthur Newton Pack who has made Arizona and New Mexico his home for 25 years. In appreciation for Arthur Newton Pack’s adopted states, the Foundation has allocated a large part of the resources of the Foundation to education and research on water and watershed problems in this arid Southwest. The hope is to help inform the people of this area on the facts and problem solutions on this all-important matter of water supply for now and for the future. It is a distinct pleasure for me, representing the Charles Lathrop Pack Foundation, to express these views on New Mexico’s water problems. [First Paragraph]