AMIA 2013 Annual Symposium
Desiderata for Healthcare Integrated Data Repositories Based onArchitectural Comparison of Three Public Repositories
Vojtech Huser ; MD ; PhD ; James J. Cimino ; MD
PID  :  122651
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】
Integrated data repositories (IDRs) are indispensable tools for numerous biomedical research studies. We comparethree large IDRs (Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside (i2b2), HMO Research Network’s VirtualData Warehouse (VDW) and Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) repository) in order to identifycommon architectural features that enable efficient storage and organization of large amounts of clinical data. Wedefine three highlevel classes of underlying data storage models and we analyze each repository using thisclassification. We look at how a set of sample facts is represented in each repository and conclude with a list ofdesiderata for IDRs that deal with the information storage model, terminology model, data integration and value
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