Peer-to-Peer-Systems and -Applications
On the Topologies Formed by Selfish Peers
Thomas Moscibroda ; Stefan Schmid ; Roger Wattenhofer
Others  :  http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2006/643/pdf/06131.WattenhoferRoger.Paper.643.pdf
PID  :  6710
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】

Current peer-to-peer (P2P) systems often suffer from a large frac- tion of freeriders not contributing any resources to the network. Various mechanisms have been designed to overcome this problem. However, the selfish behavior of peers has aspects which go beyond resource sharing. This paper studies the effects on the topology of a P2P network if peers selfishly select the peers to connect to. In our model, a peer exploits locality properties in order to minimize the latency (or response times) of its lookup operations. At the same time, the peer aims at not having to maintain links to too many other peers in the system. We show that the resulting topologies can be much worse than if peers collaborated. Moreover, the network may never stabilize, even in the absence of churn.

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