14th Annual Bridges Conference
Human Geometry Workshop
Mike Naylor ; mike-naylor.com
Others  :  http://bridgesmathart.org/2011/cdrom/proceedings/87/paper_87.pdf
PID  :  53374
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】

What kind of geometry can we make with our bodies?In this 90-minute workshop we’ll explore all kinds of funways to use our hands, arms, legs, and bodies to create fantastic shapes with ourselves and with a group. Friezepatterns, polygons, polyhedra, connected graphs, fractals and tessellations are a few of the exciting shapes we’llcreate. We’ll present ideas, challenges, games, and problems to solve that willmake you physicallya partofmathematics! These ideas can be used in the math classroom to teach concepts and generate excitement for

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