Natural Forests in the Temperate Zone of Europe – Values and Utilisation
CEL—A Short System Demonstration
Boontawee Suntisrivaraporn ; Franz Baader ; Carsten Lutz
Others  :  http://CEUR-WS.org/Vol-192/paper12.pdf
PID  :  383
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】

Description logics (DLs) are an important family of formalisms for reasoning about ontologies. CEL (Classifier for εζ) is a free (for non-commercial use) LISP-based reasoner for the description logic εζ+ [2], supporting as its main reasoning task the computation of the subsumption hierarchy induced by εζ+ ontologies. The most distinguishing feature of CEL is that, unlike other modern DL reasoners, it implements a polynomial-time algorithm, which allows it to process very large ontologies in reasonable time. The underlying description logic εζ+ is a practically useful sub-language of εζ++ introduced in [1]. Despite being less expressive than other description logics such as SHIQ and OWL, it offers a selected set of expressive means that are tailored towards the formulation of biological and medical ontologies, some of the most prominent of which are the Gene Ontology (Go) [7], the Galen Medical Knowledge Base (Galen) [5], and theSystematized Nomenclature of Medicine (Snomed) [3, 6].[First Paragragh]

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