This document gives a brief motivation for and summary of the perspectives workshop “Science of DesignHighImpact Requirements forSoftwareIntensive Systems”. The workshop was held in Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz Center for Informatics from October 8th until October 11th, 2008. The NSFfunded Science of Design (SoD) Initiative in North America has tried toestablish principles of a science of design between the traditional natural science andsocial science methodologies. This is highly relevant in a scientific climate whosepublications tend to accept formal results or formally conducted empirical studies ofexisting systems much more easily than design and innovationoriented research. It istherefore necessary to define more clearly what is “good” design research and, inparticular, to align better the research strategies and the current and future needs ofpractice.Within the design science initiative, two workshops in the US and Europe discussthe relationship between the practice and the research in requirements engineeringwith the aim of identifying “high impact requirements” research, i.e. areas which havehigh importance and relevance in current and future practice but have received littleresearch interest in the past. Another goal is to bring together representatives of thebroad variety of fragmented disciplines in which requirements play an important role,but where little communication exists. The starting point of the workshops was a largescale empirical study in over thirtyorganizations concerning the present relationships between research and practice inRE. The results were in part quite encouraging: Many RE research results have foundtheir way at least partially into practice. But while uptake of scientific RE results hasbeen more successful than often perceived, the transfer of new practice problems toresearch has been less successful. While the abovementioned RE results werederived from problems of the 80’s, many new challenges have arisen in the meantimefor which relatively little RE research exists. Moreover, isolated ideas from differentdisciplines have not yet found their way into coherent theories. It is in these areas,where RE research with high impact could emerge in the next few years.As a result of the first workshop held in Cleveland, Ohio, June 36, 2007, four key
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Perspectives Workshop: Science of DesignHighImpactRequirements for SoftwareIntensive Systems