Ninteenth Annual SAS Users Group International Conference
Richard D. Langston, SAS Institute Inc.
PID  :  88135
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】
There are several new platforms on which SASfTOOLKITSoftware became available in Version 6.09 and Version 6.10 ofthe SAS System. Also, two new primary capabilities, SOLpassthrough engine writing, and Access Method Servicesimplementation, will become available during Version 6. And inaddition, a new user interface is being prepared for release whichwill make developing easier for SASlTOOLKlT Software users.This paper discusses the new platforms and the new features.INTRoDucnONThe purpose of SASITOOLKIT SoftWare is to provideprogrammers the ability to write their own SAS procedures.functions, formats, informats, and engines. This paper will beconcerned with five main areas: 1) the re{ease of the software onvarious UNIX platforms for Versions 6.09 and 6.10, 2) the SOLpassthrough engine writing facility, 3) the Access MethodServices facilities, 4) the user interface mechanism, nicknamedTIDE, that assists users in developing SASrrOOLKITapplications, 5} new routines available with SASITOOLKITSoftware.NEW UNIX PLATFORMSAs SASITOOLKIT Software expands to new platforms, itcontinues to be our goal to maintain portability of SASITOOlKITapplications. That is, if you write a SASITOOLKIT procedure inporlable C, you should be able to transfer the source 10 anotherenvironment (on which SASITOOlKIT Software is available) andrebuild your application in that environment. All of the sampleprograms in C provided with SASITOOLKIT Software have thischaracteristic, and run in all the UNIX environments on which thesoftware has been released.All of the UNIX platforms use the make facility for building theSASlrOOLKIT applications. Make is a standard UNIX 1001 that isdesigted to check for updates in source and object code so thatthe minimum recompilations and relinks are performed. Samplemake files for each SAS/TOOLKIT applications are supplied withSASITOOlKIT Software.The C language is universal 10 SASlrOOLKIT Software; allplatforms supporting the software also support C. However, mostof the UNIX platforms also support FORTRAN. But becauseFORTRAN does not have a standard preprocessor, one issupplied in a SAS program called FTNPREP so that all plaUormscan have a standardized FORTRAN input language. Our goal forFORTRAN support is that if the compiler is made available on anew UNIX platform at the Institute, we will try to support thatlanguage in the SASlrOOLKIT product for that plaUorm.With Version 6.09 of the SAS System, we have suppliedSASlrOOLKIT Software 10 HewleHPackards HPUX, SunMicrosystems' SunOS and Solaris II, IBM's AIX, DigitalEquipment Corporation's UlTRIX, and CONVEX ComputerCorporation's CONVEX. All of these UNIX platforms exceptUL TRIX also have FORTRAN support for SASlrOOLKITSoftware. With Version 6.10 of the SAS System. DigitalEquipment Corporation's 54bit UNIX plalform DEC OSF/l Alphawill be supported. Also. the MIPS ABI and Intel ABI UNIXplatforms will
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