30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society
Tracks in the Mind: Differential Entrenchment of Common and Rare Liturgical
and Everyday Multiword Phrases in Religious and Secular Hebrew Speakers ; School of Computer Science ; Tel-Aviv UniversityTel-Aviv ; 69978 ; Israel ; Department of Psychology ; Boston University64 Cummington St. ; Boston ; MA 02215 ; USA
PID  :  118816
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】
We tested the hypothesis that more frequent exposure to multiwordphrases results in deeper entrenchment of their representations, byexamining the performance of subjects of different religiosity in therecognition of briefly presented liturgical and secular phrases drawnfrom several frequency classes. Three of the sources were prayertexts that religious Jews are required to recite on a daily, weekly, andannual basis, respectively; two others were common and rareexpressions encountered in the general secular Israeli culture. Asexpected, linear dependence of recognition score on frequency wasfound for the religious subjects (being most pronounced for men,who are usually more observant than women); both religious andsecular subjects performed better on common than on rare generalculture items. Our results support the notion of graded entrenchmentintroduced by Langacker and shared by several cognitive linguistictheories of language comprehension and production.
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