Eleventh International SAS Users Annual Conference
Robert A. Wilson, IBM Corporation
PID  :  86026
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】
PRoe GETSQL, a userwritten SAS procedure, hasbeen developed to retrieve data from IBM Database2 and IBM Structured Query Language/Data System(SQLjDS) relational data bases. Users code a SASPARMCARDS statement followed by a st'andard SQLSELECT statement:PROC GETSQL OUT=DEPT20;PARMCARDS;SELECT NANE, JOB, SALARYFROM Q. STAFFWHERE DEPT=20GETSQL uses the standard IBM PLfI Application Pro gram Interface (API) to dynamically preprocessthe SELECT statement and retrieve rows from thedata base. The rows and columns retrieved arewritten directly to a SAS output data set. The var iable names, labels, and data types of the SASoutput data set match the column names, labels,and data types of the SQL data base. exceptGETSQL truncates column names longer thaneight charactersif necessary. GETSQL translates column namesto valid SAS variable namesGETSQL truncates long character columns to 200charactersGETSQL ignores GRAPHIC, VAR GRAPHIC and LONGVARGRAPHIC co lumns on the data base.The procedure has been tested with IBM Database 2Release 1.0 and 2.0 (under MVSjXA), and SQLjDS Re lease 3.0 (under VMjSP).
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