20th Text REtrieval Conference
MICROBLOG RETRIEVAL USING TOPICAL FEATURES AND QUERY EXPANSION Cher Han Lau, YueFeng Li, Dian Tjondronegoro Queensland University of Technology
PID  :  125359
来源: CEUR
【 摘 要 】
Retrieving information from Twitter is always challenging given its volume, inconsistent writing and noise. Existing systems focus on termbased approach, but important topical features such as person, proper noun and events are often ne glected, leading to less satisfactory results while searching in formation from tweets. This paper propose a novelty feature extraction algorithm which targets the above problems, and present the experiment results using TREC11 dataset. The proposed approach considers both termbased and pattern based features and distribute weights accordingly. We experi ment four different setting to evaluate different combinations and results show that our approach outperformed traditional method of using termbased or pattern only methods and sig
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MICROBLOG RETRIEVAL USING TOPICAL FEATURES AND QUERY EXPANSION Cher Han Lau, YueFeng Li, Dian Tjondronegoro Queensland University of Technology 86KB PDF download
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