Stereotaxic Atlas of the Marmoset Brain: With Immunohistochemical Architecture and MR Images
Shigeki Yuasa ; MD ; PhD ; Director ; Katsuki Nakamura ; PhD ; Director ; and Shinichi Kohsaka ; MD ; PhD ; Director-General
Publisher: National Institute of Neuroscience (JP)
【 摘 要 】
We realized the importance of generating a new brain atlas showing neurochemical characteristics in various regions for biomedical research on the marmoset brain. We generated a brain atlas presenting serial sections immunostained with anti-calbindin, anti-calretinin, and anti-tyrosine hydroxylase antibodies as well as those stained with cresy violet. We also added magnetic resonance (MR) images of the marmoset brain to meet various demands for biomedical research.
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Stereotaxic Atlas of the Marmoset Brain With Immunohistochemical Architecture and MR Images.pdf 60450KB PDF download
Stereotaxic Atlas of the Marmoset Brain With Immunohistochemical Architecture and MR Images.png 368KB Image download
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Stereotaxic Atlas of the Marmoset Brain With Immunohistochemical Architecture and MR Images.png

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