LUP Dissertaties
Changing Choices : Psychological Relativity Theory
Koornstra MatthijsJ.
keywords: Popular science;   
Publisher: Leiden University Press
【 摘 要 】
Changing choices psychological relativity theory unifying theory transformation parameters psychology psygologie koornstra choice dynamics The book contains a unifying theory on how the common object space is metrically transformed by individuals with different transformation parameters, due to their other previous experiences, to individually different psychological spaces for judgment on the one hand and preference on the other hand. Individual experiences also change generally, whereby the psychological spaces also change generally for each individual. The theory, therefore, is a psychological relativity theory of perception, judgment, preference, and choice dynamics. This book is a must read for all behavioural, economic, and social scientists with theoretical interest and some understanding of multidimensional data analyses. It integrates more than twenty theories on perception, judgment, preference, and risk decisions into one mathematical theory. Knowledge of advanced mathematics and modern geometry is not needed, because the mathematical subsections can be skipped without loss of understanding, due to their explanation and illustration by figures in the text.
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