Vibrant Architecture. Matter as a CoDesigner of Living Structures
Armstrong Rachel
Publisher: De Gruyter
【 摘 要 】
This book sets out the conditions under which the need for a new approach to the production of architecture in the twenty-first century is established, where our homes and cities are facing increasing pressures from environmental challenges that are compromising our lives and well being. Vibrant architecture embodies a new kind of architectural design practice that explores how lively materials, or 'vibrant matter', may be incorporated into our buildings to confer on them some of the properties of living things, such as movement, growth, sensitivity and self-repair. The theoretical and practical implications of how this may occur are explored through the application of a new group of materials. Characteristically, these substances possess some of the properties of living systems but may not have the full status of being truly alive. They include forms of chemical artificial life such as 'dynamic droplets' or synthetically produced soils. As complex systems, they are able to communicate directly with the natural world using a shared language of chemistry and so, negotiate their continued survival in a restless world. Vibrant architecture may create new opportunities for architectural design practice that venture beyond top-down form-finding programs, by enabling architects to co-design in partnership with human and nonhuman collectives, which result from the production of post natural landscapes. Ultimately, vibrant architecture may operate as an ecological platform for human development that augments the liveliness of our planet, rather than diminishes it.
【 授权许可】

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 316 license, which means that the text may be used for non-commercial purposes, provided credit is given to the authors. For details go to http://creativecommons.org/licen

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Files Size Format View
1 Introduction.pdf 4913KB PDF download
10 Vibrant Venice_ Designing with Vibrant Matter.pdf 12255KB PDF download
11 Post-natural Venice.pdf 555KB PDF download
12 Vibrant Cities.pdf 2340KB PDF download
13 Japan_ 2060.pdf 288KB PDF download
14 Manifesto For Vibrant Architecture.pdf 512KB PDF download
15 The Greatest Alluvian Poet That Ever Live.pdf 840KB PDF download
16 Conclusion.pdf 8809KB PDF download
2 Definitions.pdf 6083KB PDF download
3 Literature Survey.pdf 2044KB PDF download
4 Method.pdf 461KB PDF download
5 Vibrant Matter in Practice.pdf 1651KB PDF download
6 Dynamic Droplets.pdf 4442KB PDF download
7 A Short Story of a Short Life.pdf 270KB PDF download
8 Hylozoic Ground.pdf 11593KB PDF download
9 Biolime_ Mock Rock.pdf 290KB PDF download
Acknowledgement.pdf 54KB PDF download
Contents.pdf 150KB PDF download
Frontmatter.pdf 66KB PDF download
Index.pdf 342KB PDF download
List of Figures.pdf 1248KB PDF download
List of Movies.pdf 338KB PDF download
List of Tables.pdf 151KB PDF download
Preface.pdf 79KB PDF download
References.pdf 2075KB PDF download
Vibrant Architecture.Matter as a CoDesigner of Living Structures.jpg 19KB Image download
【 图 表 】

Vibrant Architecture.Matter as a CoDesigner of Living Structures.jpg

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