Moving to Sustainable Buildings. Paths to adopt green innovations in developed countries
Berardi Umberto
keywords: Fine Arts and Architecture;   
Publisher: De Gruyter
【 摘 要 】
In his Moving to Sustainable Buildings. Paths to Adopt Green Innovations in Developed Countries, Umberto Berardi explores the transition of the construction sector to sustainable building through the adoption of green innovations. Applying methods ranging from theoretical discussions to interviews and field studies, Berardi describes how organisational models among stakeholders are changing as the sector moves towards a green economy. Berardi��s book should prove valuable to engineers, architects, environment researchers and policy makers alike, as it successfully weaves together different aspects of green building to create a multidimensional matrix through which sustainable architecture can be understood. Umberto Berardi, an assistant professor at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA, USA), teaches courses on sustainable construction, architectural engineering systems and building physics. He was awarded an MSc from the Politecnico di Bari, an MSc from the University of Southampton (UK) and a PhD from the Scuola Interpolitecnica in Italy. His research areas are related to building acoustics, sustainable constructions and energy saving technologies for buildings. Berardi is also a passionate pianist and a strong proponent of interdisciplinary cooperation between the arts and engineering.
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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 310 license, which means that the text may be used for non-commercial purposes, provided credit is given to the authors. For details go to http://creativecommons.org/licen

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Files Size Format View
Acknowledgements _ Foreword _ Preface.pdf 127KB PDF download
Appendix.pdf 642KB PDF download
Author’s Biography.pdf 114KB PDF download
Bibliography.pdf 1115KB PDF download
Chapter 1 Introduction.pdf 3507KB PDF download
Chapter 2 Definition of sustainable building.pdf 343KB PDF download
Chapter 3 Sustainability Assessment of Buildings.pdf 989KB PDF download
Chapter 4 Green Innovations in Sustainable Buildings.pdf 2382KB PDF download
Chapter 5 Managing Green Innovations in the Building sector.pdf 3254KB PDF download
Chapter 6 Construction Stakeholders and Green Innovations.pdf 1462KB PDF download
Chapter 7 Organising the Process of Sustainable Building.pdf 2509KB PDF download
Chapter 8 Policies for Sustainable Buildings.pdf 559KB PDF download
Chapter 9 Conclusions.pdf 219KB PDF download
Contents.pdf 108KB PDF download
Frontmatter.pdf 107KB PDF download
Index.pdf 261KB PDF download
List of Abbreviations.pdf 105KB PDF download
List of Figures.pdf 84KB PDF download
List of Tables.pdf 78KB PDF download
Moving to Sustainable Buildings.Paths to adopt green innovations in developed countries.jpg 23KB Image download
【 图 表 】

Moving to Sustainable Buildings.Paths to adopt green innovations in developed countries.jpg

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